
Guidance on how to create a new user in Customer Self Service.


For more guidance on how to create a new user, please view this interactive demonstration. 

Please note: You will need to have Customer Self Service enabled and have the correct user permissions to be able to create new users. 

To create a new user, please follow the below steps: 

  1. Click on the My Account button in the top right corner
  2. Navigate to the User Management tab
  3. Click the Create New User button 
  4. Input the details needed to create the new user. These are: 
    • Username – This is the users email address. This has to be unique to that user. 
    • First name and surname
    • Mobile Number – This should be in the format: country code, number with no spaces. e.g. 44 1234567890
    • User permission preferences – This is for giving the user access to user management to view or edit other user permissions. If you don’t want the user to view or edit other users, please leave these blank. 
    • Please note: You can only have one Account Owner role. 
  5. Click Save when you have filled in all the details. If there is something wrong with any of the fields, the system will not allow you to proceed. 
  6. You will now be taken to a page where you can manage the Product Groups that are assigned to the user. Select or unselect the groups you want the user to be assigned to. 
  7. Click Save
  8. The user has now been created and has been assigned to the relevant Product Groups. Click on the User Management tab to see the user in the main list.